Displaying resistance by a group

Journal Title: Current Problems of Psychiatry - Year 2013, Vol 14, Issue 3


Anyone working with other people in the field of therapy, psychological support or education, must have come across the phenomenon of resistance - paradoxical phenomenon inherently emerging in the course of therapy or many support activities. There are various psychological approaches that define it in slightly different terms, from inner force counteracting client’s change (psychoanalysis), integrity mechanisms gestalt), “defence armour”, etc. In order to understand properly the phenomenon of resistance, authors make reviews of the concept of resistance in resources, nature and signs of group resistance views and handling group resistance. The conclusion is that resistance is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon. Extensive understanding of this phenomenon is a primary task of any individual willing to professionally deal with establishing supportive relations.

Authors and Affiliations

Wioletta Tuszyńska-Bogucka, Iwona Gryniuk-Toruń


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How To Cite

Wioletta Tuszyńska-Bogucka, Iwona Gryniuk-Toruń (2013). Displaying resistance by a group. Current Problems of Psychiatry, 14(3), 129-134. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-94971