Diversification of Agriculture in India: An Overview


Diversification of agriculture is an important aspect of agricultural sector as there is an increasing demand for non food grains by the population in recent years. Given the nature of demand and the characteristics of land as something that cannot be increased, it is one of the best alternatives for farmers as well as policy makers to rely upon. There is an increasing trend of diversification in India in recent years. Diversification can be within the crops or outside the crops such as milk, meat and wool production etc. However, the concept itself is an overlapping one and there are various issues associated with it. The objective of the paper is to look at these issues related to diversification of agriculture.

Authors and Affiliations

Dr Sadhana Satapathy


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Dr Sadhana Satapathy (2018). Diversification of Agriculture in India: An Overview. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention, 7(3), 63-71. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-398449