До питання змішаної (подвійної) форми вини: наукові погляди / To the Issue of Double Form of Guilt: Scientific Views


The article analyzes the concept of double form of guilt in the theory of criminal law and judicial practice. A mixed (complex, double) form of guilt is called a different mental attitude of a person in the form of intent and negligence to various objective signs of the same crime. In the mixed form of guilty, there are intrinsic (direct or indirect) in relation to some objective evidence of an offense, and carelessness (self-confidence or negligence) in relation to others. The question of a mixed form of guilt arises in those parts of the crimes in which the objective side is complex in character. Since the content of the guilt is determined by the mental attitude of the person not only to the object, but also to the objective side of the particular crime, the fault must reflect the complex nature of the objective features of the specific composition of the crime. For crimes with a mixed form of guilt belong to those crimes in which an act that constitutes a violation of any rules of safety, in itself, apart from the consequences, is an administrative or disciplinary offense, and only the onset of socially dangerous consequences causally related with an act, makes everything a crime. In these crimes violations of the rules can be both intentional and careless, but the attitude to the consequences is manifested only by carelessness – self-control or negligence. Therefore, when the guilty violates the rules intentionally, there is a mixed form of guilt: to the act - intent, and to the consequences – carelessness.

Authors and Affiliations

Anna Olefir


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How To Cite

Anna Olefir (2018). До питання змішаної (подвійної) форми вини: наукові погляди / To the Issue of Double Form of Guilt: Scientific Views. Журнал східноєвропейського права, 51(), 244-249. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-628590