The article examines American avant-garde poet Leslie Scalapino’s poem “bum series,” included in 1988 collection way. Devoted to the theme of homelessness, “bum series” problematizes a poetic gesture of forging an ethica...
Wiesław Godzic (2015). Docudrama czyli świadkowanie między trudnymi i łatwymi przyjemnościami. Kultura Popularna, 2(44),
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Tracing the Form of Compassion: Homelessness in Leslie Scalapino’s “bum series.”
The article examines American avant-garde poet Leslie Scalapino’s poem “bum series,” included in 1988 collection way. Devoted to the theme of homelessness, “bum series” problematizes a poetic gesture of forging an ethica...
Odkrywanie tabu w sferze publicznej. Metodologiczny kosmopolityzm wobec przemocy symbolicznej