Does seroprevalence of Hepatitis-Bamong voluntary blood donors help in decreasing the burden of disease?
Journal Title: Medpulse International Journal of Pathology - Year 2019, Vol 10, Issue 2
Background: Transfusion medicine has a great public health importance worldwide and is life saving still it carries a risk of transmission of transfusion transmissible infections (TTI). Among TTI HepatitisB remains a significant global health problemin spite of effective preventive and screening measures.It is the major cause of chronic liver diseases and hepatocellular carcinoma in post transfusion casesObjective: To assess the seroprevalence of Hepatitis B among voluntary blood donors at tertiary care centre there by to identify the high risk areas and intensify the preventive measures at high risk areas in order to decrease the burden of the disease.Results: A retrospective analysis of VBD over a period of 5 years was done to assess the seroprevelance ofHepatitis B. Third generation tests were used to detect the Hepatitis B infection in the VBD .Overall 25617VBD were screened for TTI of which 602(2.4%) were positive for Hepatitis B which comes under‘Intermediateprevalence (2-8%) zone’ as per WHO guidelines .The most common age group affected are 21-30yearsand all were male donors, majority of the donors are from Raichur district. ANOVAand percentage was used for statistical analysis.Conclusion:Overallseroprevalence of Hepatitis B among VBD has been under intermediate zone hence preventive and screening measures has to be intensified at high risk areas.
Authors and Affiliations
R Saranika, Rashmikumari T R
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