The subject of this article is The grave stones o f contributors o f Lavra (the author means the one in Kiev) which presents epitaphs as one of the characteristic genres of the European baroque literature. Being religiou...
This article provides a comparative analysis of translation strategies for the English titles of Oscar-winning movies (Academy Award for Best Picture) into Polish, German and Russian.
The titles analyzed show two strate...
The article deals with the problems of perceiving Russian language by the Poles deported during 1940th to the territory of the present-day Perm region as a result of mass deportations, as well as those arrested for takin...
"Nagrobki Fundatorom Laury" з книги Афанасія КальнафойскогоТЕРАТОУРГНМА LVBO CVDA (Київ 1638) як пам'ятка української релігійно-філософської поезії доби барокко
The subject of this article is The grave stones o f contributors o f Lavra (the author means the one in Kiev) which presents epitaphs as one of the characteristic genres of the European baroque literature. Being religiou...
Пушкин в рецепции Михалa Грабовского и Пантелеймона Кулишa
Філософський контекст літературно-критичниx поглядів
Tytuły filmów „oskarowych” w wielojęzycznym przekładzie
This article provides a comparative analysis of translation strategies for the English titles of Oscar-winning movies (Academy Award for Best Picture) into Polish, German and Russian. The titles analyzed show two strate...
Русский язык в воспоминаниях поляков, сосланных на территорию современного Пермского края в 1940-х годах (на материале выбранных воспоминаний)
The article deals with the problems of perceiving Russian language by the Poles deported during 1940th to the territory of the present-day Perm region as a result of mass deportations, as well as those arrested for takin...