Dokumentacja gospodarczo-finansowa w administracji latyfundium Branickich h. Gryf w XVIII w. - kilka uwag na marginesie procesu aktotwórczego
Journal Title: Wschodni Rocznik Humanistyczny - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 3
The aim of the article is to present the genesis, meaning and typology of economic and financial documentation created during the administration of magnate latifundium on the example of the land estate belonging to the Branicki family, Gryf coat of arms, in the eighteenth century. The expanded, multi-level structure of the board of magnate latifundium, in combination with close supervision over clerks and officials, manifested in direct (personal supervision) and indirect (files reporting) form, led to the production of many different types of files of an economic and financial nature. The article tries to order various categories of documentation produced by magnate officials, operating at various levels of the administrative structure of the latifundium (court officials, general commissioners, governors, stewards, administrators). The article also presents an analysis of working relationships between individual clerks and officials and the magnate itself.
Authors and Affiliations
Krzysztof Syta
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