Olsztyn is an important center of emigrant-related research in Poland. The first works in this field were written at the beginning of the 1990s century. Currently, the results of research concerning the history of emigra...
The article describes one of the types of the literary „mediation” - the mediator-story,
presented from the history of Polish-Georgian literary relations of XIX century. It is shown that
the stories of the Russian histor...
The article discusses the conception of pravednik (the pious one) in the literary output of two Russian writers - Nicolay Leskov (1831-1895) and Ivan Shmelev (1873-1950). It is an attempt at presenting literary character...
Ewa Nikadem-Malinowska (2000). Droga przez pustynię : polski epizod w twórczości Jurija Trifonowa. ACTA POLONO-RUTHENICA, 1(0),
131-136. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-646927
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Olsztyńskie badania emigrantologiczne. Historia – stan obecny – perspektywy rozwoju
Olsztyn is an important center of emigrant-related research in Poland. The first works in this field were written at the beginning of the 1990s century. Currently, the results of research concerning the history of emigra...
Bikulturowość leksykalna mieszkańców pogranicza: (w ujęciu przekładoznawczym)
К вопросу о „посредничестве” русской литературы в развитии польско-грузинских литературных связей
The article describes one of the types of the literary „mediation” - the mediator-story, presented from the history of Polish-Georgian literary relations of XIX century. It is shown that the stories of the Russian histor...
Об эволюции образа праведника в творчестве Николая Лескова и Ивана Шмелева
The article discusses the conception of pravednik (the pious one) in the literary output of two Russian writers - Nicolay Leskov (1831-1895) and Ivan Shmelev (1873-1950). It is an attempt at presenting literary character...
Эпохально-личностный смысл "Петербурга" Андрея Белого в контексте "Медного всадника" Александра Пушкина