Eating habits and the health locus of control among students of medicine
Journal Title: Pielęgniarstwo XXI wieku - Year 2014, Vol 13, Issue 2
[b]Introduction.[/b] The health locus of control plays an important role in health behavior. It is characterized by believing in the ability to influence and improve one’s health in both internal and external terms. Nutrition is vital to maintaining health throughout ontogenesis, and eating habits developed at a young age frequently have an impact on later stages of one’s life. University students are especially at risk of developing non-healthy behaviors. [b]Aim.[/b] To establish the relationship between eating habits and the health locus of control among students of medicine. [b]Materials and methods[/b][b].[/b] The study covers a group of 104 subjects aged 24-27 selected from among 6[sup]th[/sup] year students of the Faculty of Medicine at the Medical University of Lublin, and 2[sup]nd[/sup] year students of the Faculty of Medicine at the Medical University of Warsaw. The survey was carried out using the Multidimensional Health Locus of Control scale, version B (MHLC-B), as developed by Z. Juczyński, to investigate the generalized expectations in three dimensions of health locus of control, namely internality, powerful others externality, and chance externality. Eating habits of the subjects were assessed on the basis of the point-based nutritional assessment, as developed by Starzyńska, with some own modifications. [b]Results.[/b] The study results indicate that in the examined group of students the internal dimension of health locus of control has the highest impact on health. For male subjects all three dimensions were of considerable significance. Students from rural areas attributed more importance to the internal dimension of health locus of control, while subjects living at their family house throughout their university education considered powerful others externality as more important. Statistical analysis of these data showed poor negative correlation between nutritional assessment and internal health control (r=-0.19; p=0.05). [b]Conclusions.[/b] Among the studied group of students, the internal health locus of control predominates.
Authors and Affiliations
Honorata Piasecka, Grzegorz Nowicki, Barbara Ślusarska
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