Qur’an with all its features including verses and compliation, language and tone is unique guide and as a miracle it appeals to all human being in all ages. It is up to ones relationship with Qur’an to get benefit from t...
İslamî kültürde Esmâ-i Hüsnâ’nın yani Allâhü Teâlâ’nın güzel isimlerinin, onu anlamada, tanımada ve tanımlamada çok önemli bir yeri vardır. Müminler yaratıcılarına bu isim ve sıfatlar çerçevesinde inanırlar, onu bu isiml...
Her ilmin kendine özgü bir dili ve terminolojisi vardır. Buna hâkim olmadan o ilimde ilerleme ya da onu yeterince anlama imkânı yoktur. Bu yüzden ıstılahlar konusunda eser yazmış olan Tehânevî gibi bazı âlimler bir ilmin...
Perhaps the most neglected and understudied subject in the history of Islamic thought is Islamic cosmology. The fact that the relationship between Allah, the nature of existence and nature, which reflects the universalit...
EP ID EP600127
DOI 10.33420/marife.529589
Views 227
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How To Cite
Adnan Arslan (2019). Ebu’l-Kāsım el-Hasen b. Muhammed b. Habîb en-Nîsâbûrî, Ukalâu’l- Mecânîn (Akıllı Deliler). Marife Dini Araştırmalar Dergisi, 19(1),
265-271. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-600127
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Problem of Quality in Qur’an Recitation
Qur’an with all its features including verses and compliation, language and tone is unique guide and as a miracle it appeals to all human being in all ages. It is up to ones relationship with Qur’an to get benefit from t...
Mevlâna’nın Eserlerinde Esmâ-i Hüsnâ
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Nature of Existence and Preservation of Nature in the Context of Allah-Nature and Human Relations in Islamic Cosmology
Perhaps the most neglected and understudied subject in the history of Islamic thought is Islamic cosmology. The fact that the relationship between Allah, the nature of existence and nature, which reflects the universalit...