Economic interpretation of acceleration (deceleration) factors depending on initial statistical information
Journal Title: Економічний аналіз - Year 2017, Vol 27, Issue 1
The article considers calculated situations which arise in course of calculation of one of the statistical indicators of dynamics of social and economic phenomena, that is coefficient of acceleration (deceleration), and make a direct influence on the subsequent semantic interpretation of the obtained coefficient. The study is based on the method of statistical classifications which are presented in a table form; the method of calculation for analytical indicators of two exposing rows of dynamics is used (growth rates, acceleration (deceleration) coefficients). On the basis of this method the economic interpretation of the latter is constructed. It is accompanied with the transition derived from the growth rates to statistical indicators of absolute and relative changes in increment rates (in percentage points and percentages) which enables to visualize the obtained results and explain them; in a number of situations, the author's methodology has been used to compare the heterogeneous (of different signs) indicators, contributing to the expansion of the comparative analysis potential. As a result the classification and identification of the coefficients for acceleration (deceleration) of the growth of social and economic phenomena depending on the initial statistical information have been developed; the concepts of statistical growth, both positive and negative, unidirectional and multidirectional growth have been verified; a scheme of economic interpretation of the acceleration (deceleration) coefficients in implicit cases has been proposed; the method of comparison for the indicators of different signs has been used (on the example of multidimensional growth rates).
Authors and Affiliations
Yuriy Strochykhin, Lyudmila Tsvyetkova
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