Journal Title: Питання біоіндикації та екології - Year 2015, Vol 20, Issue 1
In given article, eco-micromorfologic characteristics and micromorfologic peculiarities of edaphotops thorny phytocenosis are considered. Special attention is paid to the micromorfologic and ecologic features of blackthorns phytocenosis; what is more, processes which happen under brushwoods biocenosis of blackthorn in the given circumstances, is indicated. Not the least notice is alloted to micromorfologic structure of the given edaphotops with subsequent scrutiny and description. Protection of the damaged lands is carried on the system of measures to protect chernozem, primarily by creation protective afforestation. As proved by theory and practice, interaction of forest phytocenosis with chernozem soils optimizes the environment, stops the action of dry eastern winds, turn the surface runoff of water into depth. Thus the research of eco- micromorfologic features of the influence of thorny phytocenosis on the formation of edaphotops in conditions of the Ukraine steppe has the considerable scientific and practical interest. It is established by our experiments that under the thorny phytocenosis in the edaphotops the zoogenic coprolite horizon is created, which has a capacity of 10-20 cm upper soil layers. This horizon is fully laced by the passages of rain-worms and soil mezzo fauna, has a biogenic origin,which indicates about the favorable environmental-transformating influence of the thorny phytocenosis on the final soils. The phytocenosis of thorns significantly improve the forest site conditions by the positive influence on the edaphotops and serve as the previous group for further afforestation. The analysis of price- and ecomorphic structure of the floristic composition of the thorny biogeocenosis in the south- east part of Ukraine indicates about significant silvatasing of shrubby phytocenosis, resulting in increasing of the participation of the edge of the forest and meadow-steppe species of herbaceous cover. Ecological- micromorphological researches of thorny edaphotopes and steppe biogeocenosis, formed in the conditions of south-east steppe area of Ukraine are conducted and proved, that the given soils are characterized by high structure of all soil mass. In consequence of process of lessivage the citanes are formed on the surface of separates are wrapped. Thorny biogeocenosis are formed in the conditions of south-east steppe area of Ukraine create fitogenic potusckles, where soils are wet as a result of the additional moistening. The analysis of price- and ecomorphic structures of floristic composition of thorny biogeocenosis of south-east of Ukraine testifies about the strong influencing of shrub fitocenosis from Prunus spinosa L. on going out steppe grasses and its ecological value. In the effected of fitocenosis of blackthorn zone there are changes of composition of typical steppe grasses by tendency to the increase of stake of participation of wood surround and meadow-steppe kinds. Physical and chemical descriptions of soils of thorny biogeocenosis and soils of standard steppe virgin soil are exposed, that-are caused by high general maintenance of organic matter and predominance of maintenance of humic and fulvic acids, characteristic water strong due to what the line of boiling up of carbonates goes down considerably. Destruction of thorn biogeocenosis, these unique oases - is unacceptable. A detailed complex research and development of methods of protection of thorn biogeocenosis, restoration and rational using is an imperative challenge of the forest biogeocenosis. The thorn of the biogeocenosis have to be swang into the Red Book of Ukraine. The necessity of guard of thorny biogeocenosis is set as historical monuments of forming of shrub and ravine groupings in the steppe. Рассматривается еколого-геоботаническая характеристика эдафотопов терновниковых фитоценозов. Особое внимание уделяется микроморфологическим и экологическим исследованиям эдафотопов терновниковых фитоценозов, сформированых в условиях юго-востока Украины.
Authors and Affiliations
А. А. Булейко, Ю. Л. Полєва, Н. Б. Митина Buleyko A. A. , Polieva I. L. , Mitina N. B.
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