Education for students with disabilities in Poland – The past, present and future

Journal Title: Educational Psychology - Year 2015, Vol 49, Issue 7


Special education can be provided according to different approaches: segregated approaches (special education settings) and non-segregated approaches (integrated and mainstream settings/classrooms that follow the inclusion model). In Poland, the first schools for students with disabilities and socially maladjusted students were established in the 19th century. Since that time, special education for students with disabilities has changed a lot (both in quantitative and qualitative terms). The article attempts to outline certain characteristics of the periods in the development of special education since the foundation of the first special schools until today and to show trends in its development. The article concerns general systemic solutions only.

Authors and Affiliations

Barbara Marcinkowska


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How To Cite

Barbara Marcinkowska (2015). Education for students with disabilities in Poland – The past, present and future. Educational Psychology, 49(7), 205-219.