Education quality assurance model at the university

Journal Title: International Journal of Contemporary Management - Year 2012, Vol 11, Issue 1


The current system of higher education requires from the university a high quality teaching service and making all kinds of efforts aimed at continuous improvement of education quality through formal and legal conditions and competitive environment. This paper presents the innovative model to provide the quality of education by including the study of expectations and satisfaction of the recipients of services, namely students. The model was based on SERVQUAL method introduced in the years 1983–1985, by A. Parasuraman, V.A. Zeithaml and L. Berry with the use of document analysis, survey of expectations and satisfaction of students specializing in Management of small and medium business in the first degree studies of Management conducted in the academic years 2009/2010 and 2010/2011 at the Faculty of Organization and Management, Technical University of Lodz. The analysis gap method was used, which was identified during the comparative analysis of competence matrix based on the research of expectations, curriculum development, and satisfaction surveys. In the expected matrix of competence aspiratonal learning outcomes should be complemented by self-presentation and presentation skills – identified by the respondents as implemented.

Authors and Affiliations

Iwona Staniec, Adam Depta, Sylwia Flaszewska


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How To Cite

Iwona Staniec, Adam Depta, Sylwia Flaszewska (2012). Education quality assurance model at the university. International Journal of Contemporary Management, 11(1), 150-160.