EEG paroxysmal patterns

Journal Title: Postępy Nauk Medycznych - Year 2013, Vol 26, Issue 10


ntroduction. This paper is concentrated on the problems of identification and qualification of the paroxysmal EEG patterns. The problem is discussed in relation to commonly accepted guidelines concerning description and interpretation of EEG patterns – taking into account new possibilities, resulting from contemporary methods of recording and analyzing EEG records.Aim. Presentation of the results of evaluation of EEG records illustrating utility of the modern techniques of recording and analysis, aimed at rational identification of the paroxysmal patterns of brain electrical activity.Material and methods. Paroxysmal patterns presented in this paper are obtained from selected EEG records illustrating distribution of potentials recorded in conventional 10-20 system of electrode placement. The original EEG records were transferred to spatiotemporal maps illustrating dynamics of changes of the distribution of brain potentials, as well as maps illustrating instantaneous EEG patterns in referential derivations or using methods of analysis of the distributions of generators of the brain electrical activity called Laplacian and CSD (current source distribution analysis). The records were made with sampling frequency 250 Hz in frequency range up to 70 Hz and time constant 0.3 s, using different localizations of reference electrodes.Results. The presented fragments of EEG records illustrate paroxysmal patterns: discharges of the spike-and-slow-wave complexes 3-5/s and fragment of the seizure recorded in a person in conditions of nonconvulsive status epilepticus. The pattern of epileptic spike is discussed in comparison with the “sharp” wave of frontal and vertex origin.Conclusions. The results of analysis indicate new possibilities of more rational approach to evaluation of paroxysmal patterns in clinical practice, resulting from digital transformation of EEG records.

Authors and Affiliations

Aleksander Sobieszek


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Aleksander Sobieszek (2013). EEG paroxysmal patterns. Postępy Nauk Medycznych, 26(10), -.