Effect of Isometric Handgrip Training on Heart Rate and Arterial Pressure in Normotensive Individuals
Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences - Year 2014, Vol 2, Issue 6
The most common and prevalent amongst sedentary lifestyle diseases is high blood pressure. The present study was planned to observe the effects of isometric handgrip training on heart rate and arterial pressure in normotensive individuals. It was carried out on 50 healthy volunteers of either sex aged between 19 – 35 years. They were divided into two groups, Group I and II. Each group consisted of twenty five subjects. Group I was taken as controls and no training was given to them. Group II was taken as study group and isometric hand grip training was imparted to them every 2 weeks for a total of 8 weeks. The results of the study show that isometric handgrip training does reduce resting heart rate and arterial pressure in normotensive individuals. Hence this form of exercise training can be used as a non pharmacological intervention in lowering arterial pressure and heart rate. Keywords: Lifestyle Diseases, Physical Exercise, Hypertension, Isometric Handgrip Training, ECG, Heart Rate.
Authors and Affiliations
Jasdeep Singh Sandhu, Hardeep Singh Gill, Vidushi Gupta, Gurmanpreet .
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