Effect of mineral fertilization on the content and quality of fat in the achenes of milk thistle (Sylibum marianum L. Gaertner)
Journal Title: Rośliny Oleiste - Oilseed Crops - Year 2012, Vol 33, Issue 1
The basis of research was a two-factorial pot trial set up in a completely random design with four replications. A uniform PK fertilization regime investigated the effect of increasing fertilization level of nitrogen, sulfur and boron on the content of crude fat and fatty acid profile in achenes of two forms of the milk thistle – cultivar Silma and a population cultivated in Poland. The average content of fat in milk thistle achenes cv. Silma was 246.0 g·kg-1 d.m. and was significantly lower than in achenes form population (264.7 g·kg-1 d.m.). The fat content in achenes cv. Silma decreased with increasing levels of nitrogen fertilization, whereas population plants contained similar amounts of fat, regardless of the level of this component fertilization. The level of nitrogen fertilization to a greater extent modified the profile of fatty acids in the oil from population plants than cv. Silma. Compared with plants not fertilized with this component, after application of the lowest dose of nitrogen (1 g per pot), in the oil obtained from population plants oleic acid increased by 6.5%, and linoleic decreased by 9.7%. The addition of sulphur increased share of linoleic acid (C18:2) and decreased oleic (C18:1) in oils of both forms of milk thistle.
Authors and Affiliations
Jadwiga Wierzbowska, Teresa Bowszys, Paweł Sternik
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