Effect of muscle energy technique on calf muscle stiffness increased after eccentric exercise in athletes

Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2018, Vol 28, Issue 81


Aim. The study aimed to assess changes in calf muscle stiffness after eccentric exercise (ECC), followed by Muscle Energy Technique (MET). Our second goal was to evaluate the reliability of novel MyotonPRO device for measurements of calf muscle stiffness in athletes. Basic procedures. The study was conducted on 18 athletes form University School of Physical Education in Wrocław, practicing various sport disciplines. Stiffness measurements were obtained five times, bilaterally over calf muscle: 1) test for the relative and absolute reliability, 2) re-test, 3) before single bout of ECC, 4) after ECC but before MET, 5) after application of MET. The results were evaluated using RM-ANOVA and Bonferroni post-hoc test. P-value < 0.05 was considered significant. Main Findings. Measurements of calf muscle were obtained with a reliable, hand-held and easy to use in filed conditions MyotonPRO device. Myoton Technology provides an accurate and sensitive way for the objective and non-invasive digital palpation of soft tissues, what may find many uses in professional sport. Results. The test-retest relative reliability was found to be almost perfect, with ICC of 0.898 (95% Confidence Interval: form 0.851 to 0.930). The average SEM was 21.81 N/m and average MDC equated 60.42 N/m. There was a significant increase of right calf muscle stiffness after single bout of eccentric exercise, comparing to its initial values (P<0,001), and the left leg (P=0,002). There was a significant decrease of muscle stiffness after performing MET (P=0,001). Initially and after MET there was no difference between left and right leg (P=0,06). Conclusions. The study showed that a single application of MET restores the normal stiffness level increased after a single bout of ECC significantly. It also proved MyotonPRO to be a reliable tool to assess calf muscle stiffness in athletes.<br/><br/>

Authors and Affiliations

Aleksandra Kisilewicz, Marcin Urbaniak, Adam Kawczyński


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Aleksandra Kisilewicz, Marcin Urbaniak, Adam Kawczyński (2018). Effect of muscle energy technique on calf muscle stiffness increased after eccentric exercise in athletes. Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences, 28(81), 21-29. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-427058