Effect of the culture filtrate of Pseudocercospora fijiensis Morelet on adventitious buds of cultivars of Musa spp.
Journal Title: Biotecnología Vegetal - Year 2004, Vol 4, Issue 1
The obtaining of bananas tolerant or resistant to the Black Sigatoka (Mycosphaerella fijiensis Morelet) is an imperious need since 1991 with its apparition in our country. The effect of the culture filtrate was studied on different strain of the fungus on adventitious buds of the cultivar Grande Naine (AAA) (susceptible) and Pellipita (ABB) (resistant) with the objective of determining possible differences between these cultivars the most effective strain and the optimum dilution. Adventitious buds of these cultivars formed in a cultivation medium with high concentrations of 6 BAP were utilized and then they were subcultivated on the selective medium that contained different dilutions of culture filtrate of the strains C-27, C-21, and C-19. It was evaluated at 15 and 30 days the fresh weight increment of the explants and the percentage of growth and mortality, being found differences between the susceptible cultivar and the resistant one with the most concentrated dilutions. The best results of differentiation were obtained with the dilution 1:5 The strains studied showed different effects on the explants. Significant differences were founded when C-21 and C-19 were used, not been so with the C- 27. Growth stimulation was observed in both cultivars in the control treatment that contained the components of the fungus culture medium, discarding so any type of toxicity of these substances on the adventitious buds that could disguise the results.
Authors and Affiliations
Lourdes García Rodríguez, Lidcay Herrera, Justo Clavero. , Idalmis Bermúdez, Novisel Veitia, Mayra Acosta.
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