Elevated troponin I level – a predictor of poor prognosis after ischemic stroke

Journal Title: Postępy Nauk Medycznych - Year 2013, Vol 26, Issue 10


Introduction. Multiple ECG abnormalities can be observed during the acute phase of ischemic stroke (IS). Right-hemisphere stroke with insular involvement is also a risk factor for cardiac complications. ECG monitoring and levels of cardiac-specific troponin (cTn) may help to identify these disorders.Aim. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of elevated concentrations of cTnI on survival and prognosis in patients with IS to identify factors predisposing to cTnI elevation and to determine whether stroke location and elevated cTnI concentration were correlated.Material and methods. The cTnI concentration, CT imaging study and a standard 12-lead ECG were performed on admission in patients with IS. At one and six months after IS, the neurological status was re-evaluated or the death of the patient was registered.Results. Patients with elevated cTnI concentrations had 2.22-fold (95% CI 1.14-4.34; p < 0.019) and 2.33-fold (95% CI on 1.37-3.96; p < 0.002) higher 30- and 180-day mortality risk, respectively. Other independent prognostic factors influencing elevated cTnI concentration were: repolarization abnormalities (OR = 3.49; 95% CI 1.08-11.28; p < 0.037). Ventricular ectopic beats (VEB) (OR = 10.12; 95% CI 1.57-65.03; p < 0.015), increased glucose level (OR = 7.38; 95% CI 2.07-26.37; p < 0.002), lesion in the right MCA perfusion territory (OR = 6.60; 95% CI 1.90-22.93; p < 0.003) and increased CRP concentration (OR = 5.90; 95% CI 1.89-18.45; p < 0.002).Conclusion. There is a significantly increased risk of cardiac complications among patients with IS. Measurement of cTnI concentrations may improve clinical identification of at-risk patients.

Authors and Affiliations

Maria Maliszewska, Urszula Fiszer, Witold Palasik, Michał Morton, Wiesław Tadeusiak


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Maria Maliszewska, Urszula Fiszer, Witold Palasik, Michał Morton, Wiesław Tadeusiak (2013). Elevated troponin I level – a predictor of poor prognosis after ischemic stroke . Postępy Nauk Medycznych, 26(10), -. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-54567