(The Medium of Comics of Medial Hybridization)
The medium of comics of medial hybridization: the webcomic can get an inside view of the comic
and its new medium’s relation and cooperation. The infl uence of the internet...
(Decebal in Harghita County)
In 1987, in the Romanian County of Harghita characterized by total Hungarian majority the 10th Archeological and
Trachian Studies conference was organized to promote the archeological proofs...
(The Relations of the Youth with the Banking Systems)
Examining the fi nancial culture of young people has received much attention in recent years. More and more banks and
fi nancial institutions in Hungary are dealing w...
(Soli Deo gloria. The periodical Az Út [The Way]. 1915–1944, 2001–2006)
The theological periodical Az Út [The Way] founded by Ravasz László (1915), edited by Reformed
theologians: Lajos Imre, Sándor Makkai, Sándor Tavasz...
(Reportage and documentary)
The paper Reportage and documentary – specifi c similarities and diff erences focuses on
the main characteristics of these two genres. The aim is not that of providing a fi nal answer but
Mediális környezetváltás: a webképregény
(The Medium of Comics of Medial Hybridization) The medium of comics of medial hybridization: the webcomic can get an inside view of the comic and its new medium’s relation and cooperation. The infl uence of the internet...
Decebal Hargita megyében
(Decebal in Harghita County) In 1987, in the Romanian County of Harghita characterized by total Hungarian majority the 10th Archeological and Trachian Studies conference was organized to promote the archeological proofs...
Bankoláshoz való viszony feltérképezése a fi atalok körében
(The Relations of the Youth with the Banking Systems) Examining the fi nancial culture of young people has received much attention in recent years. More and more banks and fi nancial institutions in Hungary are dealing w...
Soli Deo gloria
(Soli Deo gloria. The periodical Az Út [The Way]. 1915–1944, 2001–2006) The theological periodical Az Út [The Way] founded by Ravasz László (1915), edited by Reformed theologians: Lajos Imre, Sándor Makkai, Sándor Tavasz...
Reportaj și documentar: asemănări și diferențe specifi ce
(Reportage and documentary) The paper Reportage and documentary – specifi c similarities and diff erences focuses on the main characteristics of these two genres. The aim is not that of providing a fi nal answer but rath...