Emergency endoscopical orbital decompression in case of Graves-Basedov disease
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2010, Vol 64, Issue 1
Graves’ disease may result in signifi cant proptosis that causes visual loss. This has been traditionally managed surgically by external bony skeleton decompression. Tran nasal endoscopic orbital decompression is as a new technique that avoids the need for cutaneous or gingival incisions. Decompression of the medial orbital wall can be performed up to the anterior wall of the sphenoid sinus. This technique produces decompression which is comparable to external techniques. The authors present an emergency case of endoscopic orbital decompression in Graves’-Basedov patient with loss of vision. Vision recovery was immediately after endoscopic transnasal decompression. Endoscopic orbital decompression is recommended as an alternative to traditional decompression techniques.
Authors and Affiliations
Bogdan Kolebacz, Grażyna Stryjwska-Makuch, Szczepan Bartek, Barbara Sidorowicz
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