Empirical Study of the Formation of the Personality Image of a Social Work Specialist at Different Stages of Professional Development
Journal Title: Проблеми сучасної психології: збірник наукових праць - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 42
The article considers the peculiarities of forming the personality image of a Social Work specialist at different stages of professional development as a process of creating a positive, attractive and original image, a powerful method of psychological influence directed at self-knowledge, self-development, selfimprovement and self-realization in the professional activities. The formation of a personal image of a Social Work specialist is proved to be a long and constant process, which involves the harmonious combination of the external data and internal skills and qualities of a person and requires taking into account the specifics of the professional activities, the needs of clients, professionalism, which contribute to the personal development of the individual, the creation development in the professional activities, satisfaction and psychological well-being of a Social Work specialist. The image of a Social Work specialist is clarified to be a projection of his / her personality and is characterized by the presence of his/her own style and the sum of individual characteristics that make him/her unique, and influence on the increase of personal status by the formation of personal qualities, improvement of the professional culture, introduction of the effective interaction of a social institution with the public etc. The results of the empirical research are revealed; they allowed to determine the level of formation and awareness of understanding the content of the image by a Social Work specialist, identification of the indicators of the image. According to the results of the dispersion analysis, differences were found regarding to the indicator of a harmonious image of a Social Work specialist, depending on the stages of professional development and sex.
Authors and Affiliations
Valentyna Balakhtar
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