Employability guidance & life design counselling: Objectives, ends and foundations of career and life design interventions
Journal Title: Studia Poradoznawcze - Year 2018, Vol 7, Issue
In modern societies, the goal of career and life design interventions is to help each individual respond to the following generic issue: “By what kind of active life might I give meaning and a perspective to my existence?”. Throughout the 20th century, this question has been frequently translated into the language of dominant systems of work organization and exchange (for example, “What occupations or professions would be right for me?”). Career and life design interventions were thus transformed into employability guidance, whose determined objective was an inclusion into the current world of work (in line with the final purpose of sustained economic growth). This guidance used methodologies that varied depending on the role (sometimes zero) played by scientific knowledge in their design. In the context of global crises of the end of the 20th century affecting our ecosystem, a doubt has gradually emerged about the durability of the currently dominant forms of work organization and exchange. As a result, life design interventions geared towards helping people respond to the generic issue of counselling (not to its various translations) have begun to develop. Nevertheless, one can wonder to what extent they can contribute to the achievement of the resolution adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2015, entitled: “Transforming our world”.
Authors and Affiliations
Jean Guichard
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Jean Guichard, Marcelline Bangali, Valérie Cohen Scali, Jacques Pouyaud, Marie Line Robinet (2017). Concevoir et orienter sa vie: les dialogues de con-seil en life design [Designing a life: the life-design dialogues]. Paris: Editions Qui Plus Est, pp. 196
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