Endogenous and exogenous factors of the economic development from the perspective of finance communes
Journal Title: Współczesna Gospodarka - Year 2015, Vol 6, Issue 4
An aim of the article was the estimation of the influence of factors endogenous and exogenous on the development the commune. Detailed considering of them influence on the efficient activity in the area of finance communes shows that they are an indispensable element of the economic development. The practice shows that factors endogenous and exogenous mutually are complementary to one another and in the effect together appearing in the area of finance the commune give the affirmative effect of the possibility of the development. The full harmony of the cooperation (the good choice and the selection) from both areas of factors endogenous and exogenous can cause the effect of the height and the economic development communes impromptu rational and effective.
Authors and Affiliations
Mirosław Warczak
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