Endoskopowa dacryocystorhinostomia u pacjentów z pozaworeczkowym typem niedrożności dróg łzowych
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2008, Vol 62, Issue 3
Dynamic development of the endoscopic treatment of the lacrimal duct obstruction has been observed for the last 20 years. Various causes of the tear outflow disorders, different levels of lacrlmal duct blockage may require different surgical approach and sometimes additional modern equipment. The aim of the study was to present the results of treatment of possibly uniform group of patients with lacrimal duct obstruction in whom the same method of endoscopic surgery was applied. Material and method: 16 patients with postsuccal level of obstruction were qualified for the study. All of them were treated endoscopically with mucosal flap formation. Patients in whom synechiae in the upper part of the sac or at the orifice of common canalicullus were found during the procedure were excluded from the study, as well as the patients with Wagener’s granulomatosis and posttraumatic form of lacrimal obstruction. Results. Release of epiphora and proper patency of lacrimal system corroborated by irrigation test was achieved in 14 (87,5%) patients of the studied group. In 2(12,5%) patients recurrence of symptoms was observed. In both cases too small osteotomy and lack of surgical technique precision were the cause of failure. No major complications in the studied group were observed. Conclusions. Endoscopic dcryocystorhinostomy Is low traumatic and effective procedure of surgical treatment of lacrimal duct obstruction. The success is determined by high precision of surgical technique.
Authors and Affiliations
Andrzej Sieśkiewicz, Małgorzata Różańska-Kudelska, Iwona Obuchowska, Marek Rogowski
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