Endoskopowe leczenie chorych z kostniakami zatok przynosowych – doświadczenie własne
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2007, Vol 61, Issue 3
Osteomas are relatively common, benign, slow-growing, often asymptomatic neoplasms of the paranasal sinuses, occurring mainly in frontal and ethmoid sinuses. Surgical removal is done if they extend beyond the boundaries of the sinus, keep enlarging, are localised in the region adjacent to the nasofrontal duct, or if signs of chronic sinusitis are present and, irrespective of their size, in symptomatic tumours. Progressive headaches and chronic inflammation of the adjacent mucous membrane are most common symptoms. Endoscopic surgery plays an important role in management of ethmoid, sphenoid and frontal osteomas. Aim. The aim of the paper was to report own experience in endoscopic treatment of patients with osteomas of the paranasal sinuses. Material and methods. 6 patients with osteomas of paranasal sinuses were included in the group, mean age 36 years (range 15–52). Most common involvement was ethmoid cells (3). There were also patients with frontal, maxillary and sphenoid osteoma. All tumours were removed under endoscopic giudance. Frontoethmoidectomy was performed to remove ethmoid and frontal osteomas. Antrotomy was used in case of maxillary involvement and sphenoethmoidectomy in the patient with sphenoid sinus osteoma. Sphenoid sinus was approached through its anterior wall with a Stammberger punch. All the tumours were removed using fine forceps. Results. No post-operative complications were observed. No recurrences were noted. All patients remain asymptomatic. Conclusions. Resection of small and medium size osteomas of the paranasal sinuses can be safely and radically performed using endoscopic techniques. It allows their radical resection and very good cosmetic effects.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Paweł Strąk, Olaf Zagólski, Jacek Składzień, Krzysztof Oleś, Marcin Konior, Karolina Hydzik-Sobocińska, Roman Głowacki
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