Engineering of smart things

Journal Title: Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac - Year 2015, Vol 0, Issue 9


The article explicates the concept of «engineering» and its fundamental understanding. Modern modes of the concept of «engineering» are outside the range of technically-instrumentalist interpretations. Engineering is a cognitivetransforming practice. Research puts emphasis on the fact that the engineer of the XXI century changes the vector of its intentions with nature on the human being. Engineering of «smart» things is a part of social engineering. Modern technologies which are included in the engineering of «smart» things have enormous social and anthropological value. Build by the XXI century engineering antropotechnosphere is a «smart» environment. This nature-for-human in many ways determines the behavior of its users. Man faces the challenge of autopoiesis of modern technology which, in certain aspects, can reproduce itself and operates without human intervention. The part that takes technology in the transformation of human nature tends to increase. Engineering of «smart» things is considered as an engineering of human nature.

Authors and Affiliations

Yuriy Omelchenko


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How To Cite

Yuriy Omelchenko (2015). Engineering of smart things. Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac, 0(9), 108-116.