Entrepreneurship in agriculture
Journal Title: Науковий вісник Львівського національного університету ветеринарної медицини та біотехнологій імені С.З. Гжицького - Year 2017, Vol 19, Issue 81
The modern development of industrial associations is characterized by the use of such legal forms, which preserve the main characteristics of the family farm and at the same time create favorable conditions for the organization of production structures, adequate to large enterprises, family transfer farms. It is these trends in the formation of entrepreneurial activity in agriculture taking into account domestic realities should be taken into account in developments on the restructuring and transformation of domestic agricultural production. Typical farmer, even when he has a small family farm, combines investor, manager and manager in it. In somewhat larger structures, such as family farms, maybe also an accountant, an organizer of work, a specialist in the care of plants and animals, a mechanic, etc. On a successful business, in our view, we can say if: the enterprise has income to pay all necessary expenses; the company has additional income necessary to pay the loans that may be invested; the productive capacity of the enterprise and its potential are not diminished, but desirable – they are developing. Compliance with these conditions can be one of the important reasons for the successful development of entrepreneurial activity. Despite certain advantages or disadvantages of individual forms of entrepreneurial activity, it is necessary to develop various organizational and legal forms in agriculture in market competitive conditions. But it should be borne in mind that social changes affect the system of organizational-economic and legal relations in agriculture. Subjects of entrepreneurial activity who are managing today in agriculture, functioning on the basis of different forms of ownership, not only have the right to exist, but also, competing with each other, create conditions for the development of market relations, profitable agricultural production.
Authors and Affiliations
I. B. Smolynets, I. R. Olenych, I. I. Hariv, B. V. Gutyj
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