
У статті проаналізовано «епідемію студентських самогубств» початку ХХ ст. в Російській імперії та Україні зокрема. Визначено причини появи цього соціального феномену, охарактеризовано його прояви. Показано реакцію суспільства до питання попередження самогубств молоді. Окреслено можливі шляхи превентивних заходів з боку влади та громадськості щодо зменшення самогубств в Україні в теперішній час. The article analyzes such a socio-psychological phenomenon of the early 20th century in the Russian Empire, and in Ukraine, in particular, as a students‟ suicide. The author shows that the causes of the youth suicide can be divided into two groups – the socio-economic (deteriorating of the financial situation of students as a result of its growth, the excess of student labour supply over demand) and psychosocial (students‟ frustration, its fragmentation, which had become a consequence of the revolution suppression and repressions by the authorities and the police in relation towards student associations). Doctors had suggested to use the term «epidemic». Students‟ suicides were discussed in the Russian press, suiciders became heroes of works of art, which only increased the number of suicides among young people. The euphoria to become the hero of the day forced many to resort to suicides multiple times. In 1910, when a wave of suicides was at its peak, the public began to help the student body: new «student self-help» organizations, offices and the units of social assistance to the need of students were created, surveys of mental state of young people were conducted, collections of journalistic articles dedicated to suicides and finding ways to help students were published. A student‟s suicide as a phenomenon didn‟t disappear after 1910. For the next two years the Russian Empire was experiencing a new wave of suicides. In 1912, there was a survey conducted under the auspices of the Commission on the fight against school suicides. The results of the investigation were published in the book by I. Radin “The Spiritual Mood of Today‟s Studying Youth”. Students had a very negligent attitude towards the value of their lives, acting impulsively and not anticipating any outcomes. They took death as a never-ending alternative, a reliable way of proving their innocence. The Russian historian Sergei Svatikov called the students of 1905-1915‟s the «new students». These were already different people, individualists and careerists, typical representatives of the capitalist era. The year of 1910, coinciding with the peak of the epidemic of suicide, was the date of the new association of youth, when the joint survival questions forced to rally together. The author states that in modern Ukraine there is an increase in the number of suicides on the background of the post-revolutionary situation and the military disasters, the crisis in the economy. Thus, taking into account the past experience, namely the active intervention of the authorities and the public is merely a necessity for preventing the spread of further suicides.

Authors and Affiliations

Maryna Krugliak


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Maryna Krugliak (2016). «ЕПІДЕМІЯ СТУДЕНТСЬКИХ САМОГУБСТВ» В ПІДРОСІЙСЬКІЙ УКРАЇНІ ПОЧАТКУ ХХ СТ. ЯК НЕБЕЗПЕЧНИЙ СУСПІЛЬНИЙ ФЕНОМЕН. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філософія, культурологія, соціологія, 6(12), 43-52. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-432891