Epidemiological Study of Dog Bite Cases Reported at ARV Clinic of Rural Hospital Panvel in Raigad District of Maharashtra, INDIA


Introduction: Rabies is almost always fatal in animals or in humans those do not receive post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP). Thedog-bites are the primary source of human infection in all rabies endemic countries and account for 96 % of rabies cases in South East Asia region. The present study has been conducted at a Rural Hospital Panvel (India) situated in rapidly urbanizing are aimed to know the epidemiology of dog bites. Methodology: All the patients who reported at Anti Rabies Vaccine (ARV) clinic with complaints of dog bite during the period of three months (September - November 2012) were included in this study for data collection by exit interview method.The data was analysed using Microsoft Excel, Epiinfo and SPSS. Results and Discussion: Total 318 dog bite cases were reported to ARV clinic during the period of 3 months. Majority were males (80.2%). More than 30% patients were in the age group of 26 to 45 years while 27.8% patients were children below 15 years. More than 70 % dog bites have taken place while victims were walking on the road. More than 97% of the bites were unprovoked and by stray dogs. Out of 318 victims, 164 (51.6 %) had knowledge about benefit of immediate cleaning of the wound. Proportion of using home remedies is negligible compared with other earlier studies. More than 88 % patients reported within 24 hours. Most of the study findings are consistent with earlier studies conducted in India with some variations. Conclusion and Recommendations: It is necessary to improve knowledge level in the local population further, about the immediate cleaning of the wound by using the means of behaviour change communication methods. The civic authorities need to resort to control of stray dogs. The establishment of surveillance for dog bite cases will definitely help.

Authors and Affiliations

Virendra Wankhede , Prasad Waingankar , Seema Anjenaya , B. T. Telang


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Virendra Wankhede, Prasad Waingankar, Seema Anjenaya, B. T. Telang (2014). Epidemiological Study of Dog Bite Cases Reported at ARV Clinic of Rural Hospital Panvel in Raigad District of Maharashtra, INDIA. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RECENT TRENDS IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 8(1), 52-55. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-157657