Epidemology of Trypanosomiasis in Derived Savannah of Nigeria
Journal Title: IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences (IOSR-JPBS) - Year 2016, Vol 11, Issue 1
Bovine (cattle) trypanosomosis, an important protozoan disease caused by the genus Trypanosoma is transmitted through bites by different species of Glossina and mechanically by a number of biting flies such as Tabanus and Stomoxys sp. Bovine trypanosomosis and its vectors (Glossina species) occur in vast areas of the sub-Saharan Africa with devastating impact on livestock productivity posing a serious threat to the lives and livelihood of entire communities and constitutes the greatest single constraint to livestock and crop production thereby directly contributing to hunger, poverty, protein malnutrition and suffering of entire communities in Africa Parasitological evaluation of bovine trypanosomosis to assess its impact in 113 cattle from Ogunola, Olodo, and Imeko in derived savanna areas of Ogun State were carried out. Blood samples were collected aseptically and screened using standard trypanosome detection methods in addition to packed cell volume (PCV) determination. Results showed that mean prevalence rate of bovine trypanosomosis was 31.62% with varying prevalence across the communities Olodo (42.85%), Ogunola (39.13%) and Imeko (13.33%) The common breeds identified were the red Bororo (37.6%), Sokoto Gudali (25.6%) and the white Fulani (36.8%). The white Fulani had higher infection status (18.8%) than the Gudali (9.8%) and Red bororo (3%). The high rate of T. vivax and the zoonotic nature of T. b. brucei call for urgent control action for humans and cattle.
Authors and Affiliations
A. Abubakar*, H. M Sabo, S. Abdulkadir, S. N. Halliru 4, R. B. Umar, D. A. Abdulkadir,
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