
В статье рассматривается проблема жанровой природы «Епиникиона» Ф. Прокоповича как образца торжественной оды в русской литературе и анализируется соответствие данного произведения одической структуре и тематике. The article deals with F. Prokopovich’s «Epinikion» as a sample solemn ode of the Russian literature of 18th centure and analyzes the odic composition and subjects. The solemn ode is a leading oratorical genre that meets the requirements of rhetoric and communication models in the Russian culture of 18th century. The history of the emergence and existence of the Russian ode was researched Alexeeva, Gukovskij, Moskvicheva, Pogosyan, Serman, Tynyanov and others. Prokopovich’s oeuvre begins the odic centure in Russian literature. Prokopovich is known as the author of many complimentary words and as the creator of lyric poetry devoted to the victory of Peter I in the Battle of Poltava. «Epinikion»’s composition has three parts that correspond the structure of traditional oratorical speech. The author uses the motives of the Russian history for the representation of The Russian-Swedish war. Prokopovich applies the motif of the impossibility to express sincere praises by the author. High style of his works is explained by mythological images and by ancient Slavic words. Such famous scientists as Moskvicheva says that «Epinikion» is an example of panegyrical ode because their structures are quite similar. He often uses the technique of antithesis to represent the war of the Russians and the Swedes, that reminds the traditions of the French medieval heroic epic. So the Swedes often were defeated and steadily shed blood. Buranok attributed duality to the «Epinikion» genre. On the one hand it is an ode, and on the other hand is a heroic poem. This ode was written by thirteen syllables with parallel female rhyme. It was traditional poetic size of the beginning of XVIII century. According to Prokopovich’s provisions his ode consists of one hundred seventy four verses. The author divides the ode into verses, but according to the type of rhyme we can say that the ode is written in couplets. Pogosyan points out the narrative style of the author. At the beginning of the ode Prokopovich speaks in the first person plural and expresses people's experience and joy. Then he sends his speech to the «glory» and speaks in the third person. The composition and the style of «Epinikion» are recognized by odic characteristics, it contains imagery means and they keep to rhetorical etiquette (we, he). That was one of the first poetical specimens of the solemn ode, which confirms the impact of rhetorical culture on the development of Russian lyrical poetry. The results of this study can be used in the analysis odes of Trediakovsky, Lomonosov and other poets of 18th century to identify aspects of the impact of rhetorical thinking on the specifics of the Russian solemn ode.

Authors and Affiliations

Natalia Volik


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How To Cite

Natalia Volik (2017). «ЕПИНИКИОН» Ф. ПРОКОПОВИЧА КАК ОБРАЗЕЦ ТОРЖЕСТВЕННОЙ ОДЫ В РУССКОЙ ЛИТЕРАТУРЕ XVIII СТ.. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філологія, 10(16), 7-13. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-431679