Epistemic significance of the Gaia hypothesis for environmental education projects

Journal Title: Monteverdia - Year 2016, Vol 9, Issue 1


The incorporation of the hypothesis Gaia how epistemic support for the environmental education projects, are promoted. The position of the same one in the context of the environmental holism and the emergent knowledge that are directed to preserve the human species on ethical-humanist principle, complexity and with cultural sense, are systematised. Their essential postulates are systematized to starting from 13 of the basic categories that are managed like part of their theoretical body and 11 corolaries that summarize their main deductions. The importance of each one for to elevate the cognitive level of fellow and to develop the self-regulating (motivacional - affective) and executer (instrumental) spheres of the personality, are discussed.

Authors and Affiliations

Isidro Eduardo Méndez Santos


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How To Cite

Isidro Eduardo Méndez Santos (2016). Epistemic significance of the Gaia hypothesis for environmental education projects. Monteverdia, 9(1), -. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-35895