Estimation of death probability of the elderly in the first years of residence in a nursing home

Journal Title: Zarządzanie i Finanse - Year 2015, Vol 13, Issue 4


In Poland, the greatest role in a formal long-term care for the elderly is played by nursing homes. During the admittance to nursing homes, a negative selection occurs due to health conditions. The research carried out among persons aged 60 and more admitted to the nursing home in Gdynia during the period 1980–2010, proves that the first years of their stay there are crucial. A logistic model was applied to estimate the probability of residents’ death in the first four years of their stay, in respect of their sex, age at the entry moment, and the calendar year of entry. To evaluate the magnitude of selection effect, the estimated death probability of Gdynia nursing home residents was compared with the death probability of Polish population in corresponding groups of sex, age and cohorts.

Authors and Affiliations

Beata Jackowska, Teresa Plenikowska


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How To Cite

Beata Jackowska, Teresa Plenikowska (2015). Estimation of death probability of the elderly in the first years of residence in a nursing home. Zarządzanie i Finanse, 13(4), 147-162.