Estimation of Runoff for the Watershed using SCS-Curve Number Method and GIS
Journal Title: International Journal of Agricultural Science and Research (IJASR) - Year 2017, Vol 7, Issue 5
Runoff is the most important factor considered in watershed management, which depends mainly on the physiographic characteristics of the watershed. In this paper, Estimation of runoff Potential is carried out for Gadela watershed located in Udaipur district, Rajasthan by the most popularly used SCS-Curve number approach, along with GIS. The watershed is delineated and divided into 10 sub basins, using Arc GIS to find the runoff from each sub basin. To calculate the runoff depth, the rainfall of the area from 1994-2014 for 20 years is considered. The thematic maps such as Land use/ Land cover and soil map, were prepared in the Arc GIS environment and overlaid to find the Curve number values. The yearly and basin wise runoff was calculated and presented in the graph. The results found that, runoff depth was more during 2006, which is about 62% of the total average rainfall of 650mm and less runoff in 1998, which is 22%. The average runoff in the watershed basin wise was 115.96mm, of the average rainfall 535.65mm. The sub basin 10 was having the highest runoff, followed by basin 6 and basin 9 and the lowest runoff observed in Sub basin 1 and the Sub basin2. The reason for the runoff from a watershed is, due to the presence of cultivated area about 54.2% of the total area, Scrub land of 44% and forest area only 0.6%.
Authors and Affiliations
C. H. Radha Srivalli, Manjeet Singh
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