Etos uniwersytetu a globalny kłopot z jego tożsamością

Journal Title: Studies in Global Ethics and Global Education - Year 2017, Vol 7, Issue


The fundamental activity enabling the revival of the university ethos is to reconsider the specific mission of the university in times of changing reality. One commonly experiences the divergence between values and principles that traditionally referred to the idea of the university and its ethos, and the practice of entangling the world of science in the sphere of politics, ideology and business. On the other hand, there are noticeable actions demonstrting the ability of self-assessment and self-report: the disclosure of scientific fraud, publicity of conflicts of interest, struggle for scientific independence and autonomy of the university, dissemination of good manners in science. The situation requires from academic communities to redefine the ideal of the university that will determine its contemporary identity, mission, and the quality of its ethos.<br/><br/>

Authors and Affiliations

Joanna Dudek


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  • EP ID EP230233
  • DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0010.5430
  • Views 86
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How To Cite

Joanna Dudek (2017). Etos uniwersytetu a globalny kłopot z jego tożsamością. Studies in Global Ethics and Global Education, 7(), 24-42.