Etyczne wymiary współczesnej pracy człowieka

Journal Title: Labor et Educatio - Year 2013, Vol 1, Issue


The article discusses issues related to the value of human work. Work is considered as something more than just gaining revenues. Most of all, it carries multiple values which allows individuals to strive for self-development and improvement of his or her personality. Through work individual not only produces material goods, but also introduces intended and valuable changes in his or her environment. Working people should have a sense of dignity and freedom, be aware of their freedom, responsibility and sensitivity to their humanity subjected to the test of time in the phenomenaof work. The article is an overview of the concept of work in terms of ethics.

Authors and Affiliations

Waldemar Furmanek


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How To Cite

Waldemar Furmanek (2013). Etyczne wymiary współczesnej pracy człowieka. Labor et Educatio, 1(), -.