Adam Mickiewicz and Aleksander Pushkin’s mutual translations constitute an essential element of the two artists’ creative relationship. The undisputed fact is that the choice of Mickiewicz’s works for translation made by...
In the article analyzed is the essence of Eros in the conception of the Russian philosopher Boris Wyszeslawcew against the background of the New interpretation of Plato’s theory relating to Eros.
EP ID EP646738
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Ewa Nikadem-Malinowska (2002). Europejskość jako cecha emigracyjnej twórczości Josifa Brodskiego i Czesława Miłosza. ACTA POLONO-RUTHENICA, 1(0),
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Znów o Puszkinowskich przekładach ballad Mickiewicza
Adam Mickiewicz and Aleksander Pushkin’s mutual translations constitute an essential element of the two artists’ creative relationship. The undisputed fact is that the choice of Mickiewicz’s works for translation made by...
Структурнo-семантические типы эмотивных высказываний на русском и польском языках : (на материале повести А. Толстого "Гадюка")
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Трансформация концепции Эроса Платона в философско-этическом творчестве Бориса Вышеславцева
In the article analyzed is the essence of Eros in the conception of the Russian philosopher Boris Wyszeslawcew against the background of the New interpretation of Plato’s theory relating to Eros.