Evaluation of Lung Tumors by Cytopathology in Ajmer Region Rajasthan

Journal Title: International Journal of Medical Research Professionals - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 5


Objectives: To know the age, sex incidence, cytological features of various malignancies of lung diagnosed in Ajmer. Methods: This retrospective study was conducted over a period of five year from Jan 2010 to Dec 2014 in the department of pathology JLN Medical College, Ajmer. During the course of study the patients were subjected to FNAC, BAL and Bronchial brushing whichever investigation considered appropriate for that case. These were followed by biopsy wherever it was possible. Results: A total of 352 cases were studied. Of which 192 males and 65 females were diagnosed as malignant lung neoplasm thereby giving a male to female ratio of 2.95. Peak incidence of tumors was seen in 5-6th decade. A diagnosis of adenocarcinoma was made in 91 cases (35.4%), squamous cell carcinoma 90 cases (35%), small cell anaplastic carcinoma 20 cases (7.78%), large cell anaplastic carcinoma 9 cases (3.5%), Undifferentiated large cell carcinoma in 9 cases (3.5%), mesothelioma 7 cases (2.72%), adenosquamous carcinoma 5 cases (1.94%), 3cases of NHL (1.16%), 2 cases of carcinoid (0.77 %), 21 cases of metastasis (8.17 %) one each from Ewing’s sarcoma, ductal carcinoma breast, metastatic sarcoma, two metastatic squamous cell carcinoma, 16 metastatic adenocarcinoma cases were observed. Conclusion: Cytologic subtyping of lung carcinoma is feasible and reasonably accurate.

Authors and Affiliations

Geeta Pachori, Aditi Sirohi, Ravikant Sunaria, Saroj Pachori, Nishi Rani Dixit, Tushar Bayla


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  • EP ID EP536643
  • DOI 10.21276/ijmrp.2018.4.5.007
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How To Cite

Geeta Pachori, Aditi Sirohi, Ravikant Sunaria, Saroj Pachori, Nishi Rani Dixit, Tushar Bayla (2018). Evaluation of Lung Tumors by Cytopathology in Ajmer Region Rajasthan. International Journal of Medical Research Professionals, 4(5), 28-34. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-536643