Evaluation of the professional activity of pharmacists in pharmacies regarding their responsibilities in ensuring the safe use of medicines
Journal Title: Соціальна фармація в охороні здоров’я - Year 2019, Vol 5, Issue 2
Aim. To elucidate the professional activity of pharmacists in Ukrainian pharmacies regarding their responsibilities to identify and prevent adverse reactions or the lack of effectiveness of medicines and to receive information on their implementation of actions that are described in the regulatory documentation on this issue. Materials and methods. 80 pharmacists from pharmacy institutions were surveyed using the questionnaire developed. Results. The questionnaire survey of pharmacists was conducted using a questionnaire developed and aimed to identify their level of awareness about the obligation to provide information to the Postregistration Surveillance Board of PE “The State Expert Center of the MoH of Ukraine” (PSB SEC MoHUKR) about the adverse reactions or the lack of effectiveness of medicines and the procedure for completing and submitting the “Message Card”. Eighty pharmacists, who underwent course of thematic improvement at the Department of the Clinical Pharmacology, IPhPQI NUPh within 2016-2018, were questioned. The results of questioning have shown that the majority of pharmacists in pharmacies are informed by their obligations to provide information to the PSB SEC MoHUKR about the adverse reactions or the lack of effectiveness of medicines; they know the regulatory documentation on this issue. In 72.5 % of pharmacies the “Message Card” forms are absent, 25 % of respondents are aware of the procedure for providing them, 10 % of respondents filled it out on their own. Conclusions. The majority of pharmacists in pharmacies are aware of their obligation to provide information to the PSB SEC MoHUKR about the adverse reactions or the lack of effectiveness of medicines and the regulatory documentation on this issue, but they are not sufficiently active in relation to the necessary actions to fill in the “Message Card” and send it to the PSB SEC MoHUKR. The low level of organization of this process by the management of pharmacies is one of the causes for the insufficient activity of pharmacists, in particular the absence of the “Message Card” forms.
Authors and Affiliations
O. Ya. Mishchenko, V. F. Ostashko, Ye. M. Kovalenko, Yu. I. Greshko
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