Evaluation of traditional and rubber cupping massage techniques applied to female patients with low back pain

Journal Title: Complementary & Alternative Medicine in Science - Year 2013, Vol 1, Issue 2


Background. Lumbosacral pain affects around 8 million people in Poland. This is one of the chief complaints among Polish population. The ma in reasons for low back pain are the lack of prophylaxis and workplace ergonomics. The medical treatments frequently suggested to patients with this condition are pharmacotherapy and physiotherapy. The objective of this dissertation was to compare the efficacy of traditional massage with rubber cupping massage in female patients with low back pain. Material and methods. The research was conducted in 60 female patients suffering from low back pain. The first group of 30 randomly selected women rece ived traditional massage while the remaining group underwent cupping massage. The treatment groups received a session of 10 massages. Each patient who participated in the experiment assessed subjective pain level in accordance with VAS and Laitinena scales. The duration of a single session for each type of massage was 20 minutes. Classical massage was performed using techniques like: stroking, rubbing, kneading, and vibration. During the cupping massage, practitioner used stroking and tapping with pinching techniques as well as massage with the use of three different sized rubber cups. Results. The research showed that both compared modalities resulted in pain reduction. However, according to the findings based on VAS a nd Laitinena scales, the pain relief level was much more significant and noticeable after session with the cupping massage. Conclusions. According to statistics provided in this study, the massage using the cupping method proved to be a more effective alternative c ure reducing low back pain as compared with the effect of classical massage.

Authors and Affiliations

Eugeniusz Bolach, Kamila Lisowska


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How To Cite

Eugeniusz Bolach, Kamila Lisowska (2013). Evaluation of traditional and rubber cupping massage techniques applied to female patients with low back pain. Complementary & Alternative Medicine in Science, 1(2), 101-107. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-75910