Personality and stimulate demand for extreme sports enthusiasts
Journal Title: Complementary & Alternative Medicine in Science - Year 2014, Vol 2, Issue 1
Background. The aim of the researches was checking if there are any differences in personality structure among people practising extreme spo rts (ExS), and if the sensation seeking theory is the bounding factor of their personality. Materials and methods. The examined group consisted of 86 males aged 20-54 practising ExS (climbers, paragliders and free divers). In the researches there were used polish adaptations of personality questionnaire NEO-FFI by Costa and Mccrae, and the Scale of Sensation Seeking by M. Zuckerman. Results. The analysis of respondents` personality profile has shown that these are extrovertic people mostly, open for experiences, and e motionally balanced, amicable and very conscientious. The people practising ExS are the ones who are not afraid of challenges and are willing to take a risk. Conclusion. The knowledge in the area of personality profile and the lev el of sensation seeking among people practising ExS may be useful for both: competitors practising ExS and their coaches, to strengthen motivating activities, define individual development plan of a competitor, create ne cessary traits and minimalize the risk connected with practising ExS.
Authors and Affiliations
Adam Rybakiewicz, Andrzej Szmajke
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