Evolution of the anti-bolshevik Russia’s nationalities policy in 1917-1920
Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія - Year 2015, Vol 5, Issue 13
The author analyzes historical origins, ideological foundations, distinctive features and evolutionary dynamics of the nationalities policy of the regimes which had officially represented, after the October 1917 Revolution until the end of the active phase of the Civil War (November 1920), the All-Russian supreme authority as an alternative to the Bolshevik one (the Ufa Directory, the Omsk Government, the Government of South Russia) or had embodied the White struggle for the restoration of such authority (the political centres attached to leaders of the Volunteer Army and the Armed Forces of South Russia). It is concluded that the ideas of "non-predetermination" and the imperially understood "National Russia", advocated by the all-Russian anti-Bolshevik governments until the White movement’s military catastrophe in the winter of 1919-1920, made it impossible to form a common front of the Russian and national liberation anti-Bolshevik forces at the decisive stage of the Civil War. The defeat of A. V. Kolchak’s and A. I. Denikin’s armies forced a new leader of the White Movement Baron P. N. Wrangel to radically revise the nationalities policy. He withdrew the mottos of “one and indivisible Russia” and “non-predetermination” from the political agenda, advocated rebuilding the Russian state from the bottom through federation based on a free agreement, and recognized the right of the Ukrainian and other peoples of the former Russian empire to self-determination. That meant a mental and ideological break with the essentially imperial discourse of the White cause prior leaders. But a historic opportunity to defeat Bolshevism on the early stage of its totalitarian state formation by then had been lost.
Authors and Affiliations
Igor Piliaiev
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