Experts’ Opinion on the Validation of Socio-Environmental Design Factors (SEDeF) Model as a Residential Neighbourhood Crime Prevention Technique in Nigeria

Journal Title: Traektoriâ Nauki - Year 2017, Vol 3, Issue 8


This article centres on validating a proposed model, socio-environmental design factors (SEDeF) meant to complement the penal system in the area of combating residential neighbourhood crime within the Nigerian residential estates. The research sought experts’ opinion on the desirability and sustainability of the model. Purposive and snow-ball sampling methods were adopted to administer 100 sets of questionnaire out of which 62 were considered usable for the analysis after data screening. SPSS and SEM-AMOS were the key analytical tools adopted to conduct the reliability test, normality test, cumulative mean, exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and the measurement model. The results of the analysis showed that, from the perspectives of the experts, the model is desirable and sustainable for the purpose for which it is proposed (Neighbourhood crime control). The model, if tenaciously implemented is capable of boosting housing values/investment, improve national economy and ensure civic and serene residential neighbourhood.

Authors and Affiliations

Sunday Emmanuel Olajide, Mohd Lizam


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  • EP ID EP218629
  • DOI 10.22178/pos.25-9
  • Views 84
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How To Cite

Sunday Emmanuel Olajide, Mohd Lizam (2017). Experts’ Opinion on the Validation of Socio-Environmental Design Factors (SEDeF) Model as a Residential Neighbourhood Crime Prevention Technique in Nigeria. Traektoriâ Nauki, 3(8), 2015-2023.