Exploring the effects of flexible working practices and family friendly policies on the employment and welfare of insecure workers
Journal Title: Nowoczesne systemy zarządzania - Year 2014, Vol 9, Issue 1
This paper raises a number of controversial issues in an attempt to evaluate the effects of flexible working practices and family friendly policies on employment and welfare of mainly people with disabilities, senior citizens and the women and men with caring responsibilities. Over the recent years many governments have championed the idea of flexible working for obvious political and economic motives while most employers who have accepted or even initiated such practices and policies have acted on purely economic and business grounds. This study attempts to explain the concepts of flexible working and family friendly policy and then to explore the reasons for and procedures of implementing such policies. It is concluded that family friendly policies can be useful means of meeting the needs of both employers and employees, depending on the way they are implemented and the people who benefit from them.
Authors and Affiliations
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