Еxposure to lead and psychophysiological development in students from Lviv region
Journal Title: Science and Education a New Dimension - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue 121
Among young people investigated enhanceable maintenance of biomarkers of aminolevulinic acid and coproporphyrine in urines which represent the degree of development of leaden intoxication. The psychophysiological indexes (increase of anxiety de- grees, depression, neurosis and aggressiveness levels) are conditioned the development of lead intoxication and closely correlates with the increase of heme destruction products in urine. By the unique sign not depending on the level of lead intoxication appeared rigidity, that, obviously, it is related in a greater degree to the type of temperament, which, as known, is the innate feature of charac- ter of every personality.
Authors and Affiliations
N. V. Nalyvayko, H. M. Tkachenko
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