External influence factors in the Kosovo ethnoseparatist conflict
Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія - Year 2014, Vol 4, Issue 11
The article is devoted to such a pressing problem as separatism. Some experts say that separatism is a problem of the past, but the author emphasizes that the XXI st century will be the century of identification factor increasing that will influence the nationalistic issues. It is underlined that the separatism could be catalyzed not only by inner factors but also by outside ones, especially nowadays, when the structure of the world is being changed by the influential actors of the foreign affairs. The author presents the concept that the collapse of the Soviet Union and collapse of the bipolar system of foreign affairs after the end of the Cold war inspired the change of the safety architecture in the whole world. In some cases the world community doesn 't pay attention to the genocide cases that take place in the countries and regions that are not important for the political world due to geopolitical or resource reasons. The author analyzes the ethnoseparatism conflict in Kosovo and constituents of the external factors influence. So the author makes a conclusion that nowadays it is really necessary to pay attention to such issues as separatism because it may lead to the break out of hostilities in the country and lead to the genocide no matter whether it is cultural or physical genocide. Besides it is necessary to reform the world law system that is too old for the contemporary world and processes that take place in the world.
Authors and Affiliations
Yevhen Riabinin
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