Exteroceptive Suppression of Masseter In Behçet’s Disease

Journal Title: Journal of Neurological Sciences-Turkish - Year 2005, Vol 22, Issue 3


Objectives: Brainstem is the most frequently affected neural substrate in neurological involvement due to Behçet’s disease (neuro-Behçet). The demonstration of brainstem involvement in Behçet’s disease (BD) is important in the management of this disorder. The evaluation of some brainstem reflexes (blink reflex and exteroceptive suppression of masseter) and brainstem auditory evoked potentials (BAEP) may provide additional information concerning CNS involvement in the patients with BD. Materials and Methods: We studied 37 patients with BD. Six out of 37 patients had neurological involvement in their neurological examination or history (neuro-Behçet). Exteroceptive suppression of masseter, blink reflexes and BAEP were analyzed in patients and in 18 healthy controls. Results: Four out of six patients with neuro-Behçet showed abnormalities involving exteroceptive suppression patterns of masseter (unrecordable in 3 and prolonged latency of S2 in 1), two showed BAEP abnormalities (absent of wave V in 1 and increased I-III interpeak latency in 1), and one showed blink reflex (increased latency of R1 and R2) abnormality. Electrophysiological parameters did not showed significant difference in the patients with BD without neurological involvement. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that exteroceptive suppression of masseter may be useful test in disclosing brainstem involvement only in patients with neuro-Behçet.

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Cengiz TATAROGLU, Nefati KIYLIOGLU, Banu BICEROL, Serhat SARSU, Umit TURSEN (2005). Exteroceptive Suppression of Masseter In Behçet’s Disease. Journal of Neurological Sciences-Turkish, 22(3), 250-260. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-84052