Face to face czy Facebook — czyli jak wspierać młodzież w rozwiązywaniu dylematów życiowych w zmieniającym się świecie?

Journal Title: Pedagogika Przedszkolna i Wczesnoszkolna - Year 2018, Vol 12, Issue 2


Face to Face or Facebook — How to Support the Youth in Solving Life Dilemmas in a Changing World? The aim of the article is to present dilemmas of contemporary youth and their dynamics on the example of the original project Face to face or Facebook? In the context of the views of Erik Erikson and James Marcia, the concepts of identity are presented as an indispensable element of the maturation process. It is the process in which a young person reaches important decisions for him and his life. The choices, which he makes, have the axiological aspect. Hence, the question about the value he goes by and how important for his life are choices which are made? In order to be progressive and supportive ones in integral development, the reflection on own experience is needed, the evaluation of this experience and the taking a conscious, purposeful action that will encourage self-realization. Face to face or Facebook? is a guide on the way of growing up, refers to the personal experience of young people, inspires reflection and taking such actions that will lead to conscious shaping of their own identity, establishing close and satisfying relationships as well as courageously fulfilling social roles. The authors Face to face or Facebook? refer to accompanying pedagogy, according to which a young man in the process of self-development and an attempt to understand the world needs companionship and testimony. It is the role of adults — who will listen and cooperate with him without fear, doing their best and showing with hope the prospects for a further happy life.

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Iwona PASŁAWSKA-SMĘDER (2018). Face to face czy Facebook — czyli jak wspierać młodzież w rozwiązywaniu dylematów życiowych w zmieniającym się świecie?. Pedagogika Przedszkolna i Wczesnoszkolna, 12(2), 109-119. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-521922